C7/13-15 Forrester St,

Kingsgrove NSW 2208.

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 09:00 to 05:30

Do you repair cracked laptop screens?

HussHi, Can I help? 
Andyyes, do you repair cracked laptop screens?
what model is your laptop?
AndyHP Elitebook Pro Folio 1040 G3 Notebook PC
Husshave SN?
HussChecking this for you, won’t be long.
this is touch screen, right?
Andynot touch screen
HussOK, won’t be long
$221.10 installed
Andydo you have the screen in stock?
HussPickup and return also available @ $40 extra 
AndyI will drive it over. So can I come in tomorrow? whats the address please and roughly how long will it take?
Hussshould take around 30 min, let me generate a ticket number to eliminate too much contact
I need your last name and phone number pls
what suburb are you based in?
HussC7 / 13-15 Forrester Str
Kingsgrove, NSW, 2208
Open Mon – Fri 9 – 5:30

02 8081 2555
AndyPerfect, so I can turn up tomorrow at 9?
Huss9:30 will be great
ticket #5598
please label your laptop with this number
AndyI have an appointment at 10.30 so depends if you can definitely do it in 30 mins?
Hussyeah sure, won’t take more than 30 mins
Andyperfect, see you at 9.30 tomorrow