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Kingsgrove NSW 2208.

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im after a price for a power adapter for the acer travelmate p236-m-58u1

IT Tools Pty LtdHi, Can I help? 
MareeHi, im after a price for a power adapter for the acer travelmate p236-m-58u1 series model# ms2392 snid: 614….. Adapter model# adp-45he b. Delivered to the Gold Coast2:28:56 PM
HussChecking this for you, won’t be long.2:30:36 PM
generic charger $62.5 + $16.5 freight  https://www.laptopparts.com.au/acer-replacement-laptop-3-0mm-x-1-1mm-ac-power-adapter-charger-pa-1450-26al-a13-045n2a-adp-45he-b-generic.html

genuine charger $85 + $16.5 freight 

ETA 3-5 days on both
2:32:49 PM
MareeThanks, what is the difference between the 2?2:35:22 PM
HussQuality of genuine is better2:35:47 PM
Mareesorry I thought they both read generic2:36:34 PM
Huss🙂2:36:57 PM
MareeCan I please order the genuine charger now and make payment?2:39:38 PM
Husssure,2:40:18 PM
I will need your 
Phone #:
2:40:31 PM
Maree….2:41:04 PM
….2:41:28 PM
HussOK, processing now2:43:34 PM
Mareethank you2:43:50 PM
Husshow would you like to pay? can do bank transfer, card over the phone, or PayPal2:48:17 PM
Mareecard over the phone please2:48:34 PM
Hussok, calling you now2:48:55 PM
Mareeok thanks