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I’m Looking for price and availability for a mainboard to suit an Asus FX750GE-EW018T. SN:JA…

Chat Transcript 
IT Tools Pty LtdHi, Can I help? 
I’m Looking for price and availability for a mainboard to suit an Asus FX750GE-EW018T. SN:JANRCV03B125439
HussChecking this for you, won’t be long.
Unable to source, we can attempt to repair though
zacok how much does it cost for you to fix it?
HussWhat is the issue with the board?
zacit will power power on?\
it will not power on
HussQuotation is $99 including pickup and return waived if you proceed with repair. 
repair will cost anywhere between $350 and $500
zacok no worries thank you