C7/13-15 Forrester St,

Kingsgrove NSW 2208.

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Mon - Fri: 09:00 to 05:30

I’m trying to find serial number, im not sure if it is. TYPE 20HR-CT01WW S/N PF-….. 17/09

IT Tools Pty LtdHi, Can I help? 
YujianI’m trying to find serial number, im not sure if it is. TYPE 20HR-CT01WW S/N PF-O…. 17/09
this one
YujianThanks, my screen is broken, can You fix today?
Husslet me check
X1 Carbon 5th Gen – Kabylake you know if you have FHD or QHD?
YujianSorry what’s that?
Hussthe screen resolution
YujianI’m not sure, maybe I don’t have it
HussOK, let me explain
full HD resolution 1920 x 1080 
WQHD Resolution is is 2560 x 1440
we have both models in stock but not sure if they will fir your laptop
happy to try them on if you drop off your laptop
If full hd it will cost you $325 
If QHD will cost $500
YujianOk got it, thanks