C7/13-15 Forrester St,

Kingsgrove NSW 2208.

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 09:00 to 05:30

My screen isn’t broken but the laptop screen and the casing have separated

ReneHi, Can I help? 
TimMy screen isn’t broken but the laptop screen ad the casing have separated and unless I apply pressure to the screen, it is hard to read. Is there a way to service it to make it better?
Gigabyte P34Wv5
Renewe can fix if you want.. you can drop off or we do pickup
we do pickup and return @ $40 AU wide.. once receive can quote you the repair cost once inspected
you still there?
TimSorry had a phone call at the same time.
Am chasing up someone who fixed it a year or so ago but will get back to you soon.
Where can I drop off?
ReneC7 / 13-15 Forrester Street, Kingsgrove, NSW, 2208
TimThank you I might get back in touch later today.
ReneThanks.. just drop us a message here