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Kingsgrove NSW 2208.

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Mon - Fri: 09:00 to 05:30

Surface Pro 4 screen

HussHi, Can I help? 
MikeHi Huss
How are you?
Hussgood u?
Mikedoing well
I am trying to find a replacement LCD assy for a Microsoft Surface Pro 4
We don’t have the Model # of the Unit or the Serial number, however we do have what might be serial numbers from the original screen.
we had ordered a screen that we believed fitted however the LCD Lug was different and there was an additional Flex
HussYes some SP4 take SP5 screens
did you order this from us?
MikeI don’t believe so, it was one of our other locations.
HussOK. send me a photo of either:
The original screen with the flex cables
OR the one you ordered and we can send you the correct model
MikeMike is sharing a file with you. 72deadaa-a5c8-42e5-b8be-d2f34665555b.jpg – (Size:135.49 KB)
That is a picture of the original screen pulled from the device.
HussChecking this for you, won’t be long.
MikeThank you so much Huss πŸ™‚
you have SP5
MikeAwesome πŸ™‚ are you able to supply us with a replacement screen?
MikeAwesome, would it be possible to get the Link & Reseller Price Please?
Hussyes won’t be long
MikeThanks Huss

Choose the right option for the model number
you are registered as reseller?
HussOK, so you should be able to see discounted price
MikeSo it is the Surface Pro 5 (1796)?
Surface Pro 5 + AU $50 on the select Model Drop Down?
MikeCool Cool… Thank you again Huss
Husscheers any time πŸ™‚
enjoy the evening
MikeThanks Huss