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Hi I am looking for a replacement LCD panel for a Metabox laptop

IT Tools Pty LtdHi, Can I help? 
OliverHi I am looking for a replacement LCD panel for a Metabox laptop
Husswhat model?
OliverThats the back of the existing screen
Oliver is sharing a file with you. 20200814_161444.jpg – (Size:2.9 MB)
Hussin stock https://www.laptoplcdscreen.com.au/metabox-n871hk-replacement-laptop-lcd-screen-panel.html
OliverCool as, and that will fit a Metabox laptop?
Hussexact model
OliverModel: N871HK
Hussyep, once we match the panel model, we cant go wrong
OliverThe Panel model?
Husson the label you shared
OliverOh ok cool
HussAnything else I can help you with?