C7/13-15 Forrester St,

Kingsgrove NSW 2208.

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 09:00 to 05:30

Looking at a green screen on my Lenovo laptop. Can u help?

HussHi, Can I help? 
MartyLooking at a green screen on my Lenovo laptop. Can u help?
Husssure, this is either a faulty screen or lcd cable
what is the make and model of your laptop?
MartyLenovo G50-30. Do u need serial no?
Hussyes SN will be great
Martyscreen just went green last night. Screen is good on external monitor
Hussscreen is $162 you can order it here https://www.laptoplcdscreen.com.au/lenovo-5d10g11176-replacement-laptop-lcd-screen-panel.html 

We can do installation @ $200 (parts and labor) while you wait if you are able to drop off in Kingsgrove, Sydney. 

Pickup and return is $40 also available.
MartyThanks Huss do U provide warranty ?
Husssure 3 years